
Hi, I’m Brenda Brown, founder of Wisdom Loves, an organization committed to helping people live and love more fully. As a life coach and enneagram practitioner, I will help you find clarity, gratitude and choice within the constellation of your life and support your journey in taking compassionate action. I commit to honoring your unique and personal path as well as the professional ethics for both the icf and iea (international coaching federation and international enneagram association).

What is stirring your soul? How are the winds of change directing your life? Where are you desiring more joy or harmony in your life and relationships?

Notice what’s coming up for you this very moment. If you are energized to begin or curious to learn how coaching and/or enneagram could support you, please reach out to me directly via email or phone to schedule a complementary discovery conversation. To receive updates and invitations to future individual and group offerings, sign up below.

With gratitude,

Compassion is a compass. I value your privacy and time.

“What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves?”

Thomas Merton